GUACAMOLE JAPAN株式会社の取扱いブランドを販売する本オンラインショップは、GUACAMOLE JAPAN株式会社が運営および販売、メールマガジン配信業務を行っております。
GUACAMOLE JAPAN株式会社(以下「当社」といいます)は、当社が運営する本オンラインショップ(以下「本サービス」といいます)の利用規約(以下「本規約」といいます)を以下の通り定めます。
第1章 総則
第1条 本規約の範囲及び変更
第2条 本サービスの利用
第2章 会員
第3条 会員
第4条 会員登録
(1) 入会希望者本人以外の者による会員登録申請の場合
(2) 入会希望者が過去に本規約、または当社若しくは当社関連各社による商品売買若しくはサービスの提供に関する契約若しくは規約に違反したこと等により、会員登録の抹消、利用資格の取消し、その他解除されたことなどの処分をうけていることが判明した場合
(3) 入会希望者の申請内容に、虚偽または不正確な事項が含まれている場合
(4) 入会希望者が、過去に当社または当社グループ各社による商品売買またはサービスの提供に関して、料金等の支払債務の履行遅延、長期間にわたる商品の受取り不能、不適切な返品・交換の要求またはその他の債務不履行があったことが判明した場合
(5) その他登録申請を承認することが不適当であると当社が判断する場合
第5条 変更の届出
第6条 本サービスの利用停止、会員登録の取消
(1) 過去に本規約違反をしたことなどにより会員登録の抹消などの処分をうけていることが判明した場合
(2) 当社または当社グループ各社による商品売買またはサービスの提供に関して、料金等の支払債務の履行遅延、長期間にわたる商品の受取り不能、不適切な返品・交換の要求またはその他の債務不履行があったことが判明した場合
(4) 第13条(禁止事項)の行為を行った場合
(5) 本規約、または当社若しくは当社グループ各社による商品売買若しくはサービスの提供に関する契約若しくは規約に違反した場合
(6) 会員登録後、申請内容に虚偽または不正確な事項が含まれていることが発覚した場合
(7) その他、本サービスの運営・管理上、会員として不適当であると当社が判断する場合
第7条 退会手続
第8条 IDおよびパスワードの管理
第3章 個人情報
第9条 利用者情報の利用
(1) ご登録時に利用者が希望された情報の提供を行うため
(2) 商品の発送およびお申込みの処理に関わる業務を行うため
(3) 当選された方へのプレゼントの発送およびお申込みの処理に関わる業務を行うため
(4) ブランド、商品、店頭、各種優待施策、イベント、ポイントサービス等の各種サービスに関するご案内(電子メール、チラシ、カタログ、その他冊子等の郵送、電話等の方法による広告宣伝のご案内を含む)
(5) アンケートの実施のため(会員登録希望者がその登録申請を完了しておらず、各種情報の入力途中であった場合における、登録希望者が登録申請を完了されなかった理由等に関するものを含む)
(6) 通信販売の場合の商品発送、代金決済、その配送に関してのご確認やご連絡のため
(7) 商品等の研究開発、マーケティング、カスタマイズ、販売促進、サービス向上等に関する調査依頼または改善のため
(8) 本人確認、認証サービスのため
(9) 上記の運用に関連し必要なご連絡のため
第10条 サービスの範囲
(1) 銀行口座の正当性やクレジットカードの有効性を確認するため、金融機関などへ個人情報を提供する場合。
(2) 法令に基づく場合。
(3) 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。
(4) 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
(5) 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき。
(6) その他、本サービスの運営に必要な場合
第11条 個人情報の問い合わせについて
GUACAMOLE JAPAN株式会社 お客様お問い合わせ
お問い合わせ先 : 03-6904-0246
営業時間 10:00~16:00(平日のみ:年末年始祝日を除く)
第4章 サービスの利用
第12条 サービスの範囲
第13条 禁止事項
第14条 知的財産権
第5章 商品の購入
第15条 商品の購入
第16条 決済方法
第17条 商品の返品・交換等
第18条 商品に関する免責
第6章 クーポン
第19条 クーポンの発行
第20条 クーポンの使用
第21条 第三者による使用
第22条 クーポンの取消・失効
(ア) 購入された当社製品等が返品された等、クーポンの発行条件を満たさなくなった場合
(イ) 不正な手段によりクーポンの発行を受けた場合
(ウ) 本規約、会員規約、利用規約及び個別規約に反した場合
(エ) 退会または会員資格の取消で、本プログラムの会員資格を失った場合
(オ) システムの誤作動等により取り消しや訂正が必要と当社が判断した場合
(カ) その他当社が必要と判断した場合
第7章 本サービスの運用
第23条 情報の管理
第24条 本サービスの保守
(2) 火災、地震、洪水、落雷、停電、通信回線の事故、通信事業者の不履行、戦争、内乱、テロ、暴動、騒擾等の天変地異や社会不安、第三者による妨害行為等の不可抗力により、システムの運用が困難になった場合。
(3) その他、止むを得ずシステムの停止が必要と当社が判断した場合。
第25条 その他免責事項
第26条 その他
- 当社と利用者との連絡方法は、原則としてE-Mailによるものとします。
- 本サービスのご利用に関して、本規約または当社の指導により解決できない問題が生じた場合には、当社と利用者との間で双方誠意をもって話し合い、これを解決するものとします。
- 本規約は日本法に基づき解釈されるものとし、本サービスの利用に関して訴訟の必要が発生した場合には、東京地方裁判所または東京簡易裁判所を第一審の専属的管轄裁判所といたします。
Chapter 1 General Rules
Article 1 Scope and changes of the agreement
This agreement is applied to the users of this service (referred to as "users"), including the Company and members (defined in Article 3) regarding the use of this service. We reserve the right to change this agreement at any time by notifying the user by posting on the website or by e-mail or other methods that we deem appropriate without obtaining the prior consent of the user. These Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement between you and us and they supersede any and all earlier agreements between you and us.
Article 2 Use of Services
The users shall use this service following this agreement, laws, regulations, notifications, and rules set separately by the Company.
Chapter 2 Members
Article 3 Members
"Member" means a person who has approved this agreement, applied for membership registration per the procedures established and approved by us. The members shall use this service following this agreement, laws, regulations, notifications, and rules set separately.
Article 4 Membership Registration
If you like to register with us, please follow membership registration on the site.
In order to make purchases on the Site you will be required to provide your personal details. In particular, you must provide your real name, phone number, e-mail address and other requested information as indicated. Furthermore, you will be required to provide payment details that you represent and warrant are both valid and correct and you confirm that you are the person referred to in the Billing information provided.
We shall approve the application by sending a registration confirmation email for the application in paragraph 1.
By registering with us on the site, you agree to receive occasional Direct Mail, Telephone, and Digital correspondences that from us (including but not limited to e-mail newsletters, notification e-mails, notification e-mails, telephones, flyers, catalogs, and other information sent by mail such as booklets).
We reserve the right to deny the registration application if any of the following conditions apply.
(1) When the membership registration request is done by a person other than the applicant for membership.
(2) When the applicant has violated this agreement, or the contract or agreement regarding the sale of goods or the services with our other affiliated companies, resulting in the membership termination or us, denied access to the services and engaged in prohibited activities.
(3) When the applicant submits false or misleading information.
(4) When we discover that the applicant for membership has been delayed in payment and other activities, unable to receive products for an extended period, improper returns/exchange requests, or engaged in other default activities regarding the sale of goods or services by the Company and our affiliates
(5) When, in our sole judgment, we deem it inappropriate to approve the registration application.
Article 5 Notification of Change
When there is a change in the address, name, telephone number, credit card number, or other matters, the member shall promptly inform us by the method separately instructed by us. We shall not be liable for any damage caused by the member failing to notify us of the change appropriately.
Article 6 Suspension of use of this service, cancellation of membership registration
We have the right to prohibit you from using this site or to remove your membership without prior notice in any of the events listed below:
(1)When we discover that you have had your membership deleted in the past due to committing an infraction of any terms or conditions relating to services provided by us.
(2) When it turns out that the applicant for membership has been delayed in payment, unable to receive products for an extended period, improper returns/exchange requests, or engaged in other default activities regarding the sale of goods or services by the Company or our affiliates.
(3) When the whereabouts of a member become unknown and we cannot contact the member.
(4) When you commit the act of Article 13 (prohibited use) under the Terms of Service.
(5) When the applicant has violated this agreement, or the contract or agreement regarding the sale of goods or the services with the Company or our other affiliates.
(6)When we discover that the applicant submitted false or misleading information.
(7) When we reasonably determine that your use of this site or continuation of your membership is improper under the Terms of Service.
Article 7 Membership Withdrawal
You may withdraw the membership at any time through the procedures determined by us. The member shall lose the membership qualification when the Company receives the withdrawal application from the member.Even if the membership is withdrawn in accordance with the Company policy, you will remain liable for all amounts due up to and including the date of termination.
Article 8 Management of ID and password
You are responsible for maintaining the password and account's confidentiality and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your password or account. The member shall not transfer, sell, succeed, lend, pledge, disclose, share the user ID and password to a third-party, and shall not share it with multiple people.
Members are responsible for damages caused by mismanagement of user IDs and passwords, unauthorized use, and use by third-parties (including but not limited to use by family members, employees, and others.).
We will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with these requirements.
When the member finds any unauthorized use of your user ID and password by a third-party, or if you forget the user ID or password, the member shall immediately contact us. You shall follow our protocol if instructed by us. Furthermore, the use of the service made by the corresponding user ID and the password corresponding is regarded as the use made by the member.
The user shall be aware of the risk of security breach associated with payment methods such as transmitting credit card numbers when using our service and shall do so at one’s own risk. (Described in Article 16)
Chapter 3 Personal Data
Article 9 User Information
We may collect information to :
(1) Provide the services you request when you register with our website
(2) Manage and complete your purchase transactions and shipping.
(3) Manage and complete the transaction and shipping for eligible winners from promotions that our website conducts.
(4) Send occasional Direct Mail, Telephone, and Digital correspondences (including but not limited to e-mail newsletters, notification e-mails, notification e-mails, telephones, flyers, catalogs, and other information sent by mail such as booklets).
(5) Survey to improve our services (including the search for the reason for abandoned registrations to the website, and others).
(6) Contact customers regarding delivery, payment, order confirmation for online orders.
(7) Improve our merchandise selections, personalized customer service, and overall shopping experience.
(8) Verify identity and conduct authentication services
(9) Communicate with customers regarding the point described above.
When we analyze using the collected data, we use the de-identified information generally. If we encounter the need to use the identified personal data, we will notify the customers to obtain consent. To use the services, you must be over 16 years of age. For anyone who tells us that they are under the age of 16, we must ask for their parent's consent to register with our site.
Article 10 Scope of Service
We are committed to maintaining appropriate safeguards of your personal information with high standards of information security.
We do not share personal information you have provided to us without your consent, unless:
(1) When we provide personal information to financial institutions and others for credit checking or screening of the bank accounts and the credit cards.
(2) When required by law.
(3) When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
(4) When it is incredibly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, it is difficult to obtain the person's consent.
(5) When it is necessary for a government or local public bodies or a person contracted to cooperate in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, and when obtaining the person's consent disrupt the proceedings.
(6) Any other uses set out in the terms and conditions for the use of our services.
We also may disclose information to outside companies that help us bring you the products and services we offer. We require that these outside companies agree to keep confidential all information we share with them, use the information only to perform their obligations in our agreements with them, and abide by applicable data privacy laws. We may discard and delete the personal data for any reason that we deem it necessary.
Article 11 Contact
If you have any requests regarding personal data sharing, changes, and removal, please contact below. We will contact you shortly.
【Contact info for Personal Data】
GUACAMOLE JAPAN Co.,Ltd. Customer Service
Tel: 03-6904-0246
Hours: 10AM-4PM (Monday-Friday: excluding New Year’s and National holidays)
Chapter 4 Use of Service
Article 12 Scope of Service
To use some of the services or features made available to you on this site, you will need to register for an account. If you are not registered with us, certain services are unavailable to you. We will defy the limited service area in a different section. We reserve the right to update, change, or replace any part of these Terms of Service without users' permission.
Article 13 Prohibited Uses
We prohibit users from performing the following acts.
Act of submitting false or misleading information when you use our service.
Any malicious acts that will or may be used in any way that will affect the functionality or operation of the service or any related website, other websites, or the Internet.
Unauthorized use of credit cards on our site is prohibited.
Unauthorized use of User ID and passcode
Acts that cause inconvenience to other users, third-parties, or the Company, damage the Company's credibility, disadvantage or damage, or acts that may cause them.
Acts that infringe or may infringe intellectual property rights such as copyrights and trademarks of other users, third-parties or the Company, portrait rights, personality rights, privacy rights, publicity rights, and other rights.
Act of using images, texts, designs, logos, videos, sounds, programs, ideas, information, and others. (hereinafter collectively referred to as "contents") obtained through this service outside the scope of private use by the user.
Act of copying, selling, publishing, distributing, publishing, and similar content obtained through this service through other users or third-parties other than other users.
Act of using this service for commercial purposes (excluding those approved by us in advance).
Act of transferring or exercising the status of a member or the rights a third-party.
Acts that violate or may violate public order, morals, and regulations.
Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate.
Article 14 Intellectual property rights
All rights (ownership rights, intellectual property rights, portrait rights, publicity rights, and others) related to the contents that make up this service belong to a third-party with such rights and us.
The users must not acquire any rights to the content without the authorization of the respective owner of all intellectual property rights, including ownership and copyright, portrait rights, publicity rights, and others, and take any action that infringes all rights regarding the content.
If a problem occurs in violation of this article, the users shall resolve the issue at their own expense and responsibility and not cause any inconvenience or damage to the Company.
Chapter 5 Purchase Policies
Article 5 Purchase Policies
Users can use this service to purchase products or services (hereinafter referred to as "products, and others") from the Company.
If users wish to purchase products and others, they shall apply for the purchase of products and the use of services in compliance with the terms and conditions specified by us.
When we send an e-mail to the user accepting the order, a sales contract regarding the product and others shall be completed between the user and the Company. However, this does not apply if the credit card company specified by the user informs us of the default.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if there is any fraudulent or inappropriate act regarding the use of this service, the Company shall be able to cancel or cancel the sales contract or take other appropriate measures.
The delivery of products and others by this service is limited to Japan.
Article 16 Payment Method
The product and others' payment amount is the total of the product purchase price, including consumption tax and the handling fee.
Regarding the payment of products purchased by this service, payment by credit card under the name of the user and payment method approved separately by us are accepted.
When paying by credit card, the user shall be subject to the terms and conditions separately contracted with the card company. If a dispute occurs between the user and the credit card company and others, both parties shall resolve it.
Article 17 ********************
We do not accept returns unless they are damaged during shipping, faulty products, incorrect items, or otherwise approved by the Company. Return, exchange, or cancellation process of the products must be resolved only within the period specified by the Company (within 7 days) after receiving the product.
The user shall return the products outlined in the preceding paragraph at the user's expense, following the method separately determined by the Company.
Article 18 Disclaimer regarding products
Unless otherwise specified, the warranty regarding the products shall be in accordance with the contents of the attached product warranty. The Company does not guarantee the quality, performance, compatibility with other products, or any other guarantees regarding the products except for the contents stated in the product warranty.
The Company shall be exempted from the liability from contacting the registered information by the member (for troubles due to unknown delivery address, and others) and delivering the product to the address specified when purchasing the product. Also, we do not guarantee the delivery period or date and time.
We will make every effort to ensure that the products are in stock. However, in the unlikely event that they are out of stock, we may cancel the order. We will notify the member of the detailed measures separately when it occurs. We reserve the right to cancel the order due to out of the stock situation, and the member will not be able to request any damages or loss compensation from the Company.
The Company shall not be liable for any damages, losses, or disadvantages related to the use of this service and the products sold or sold in this service, regardless of the claim's legal cause, other than those specified in the preceding article.
Chapter 6 Coupon
Article 19 Issuance of coupons
This service, operated by the Company, issues coupons to our members, and they can use it at the time of purchase of the products according to the amount from coupons obtained.
The issuance of coupons is stipulated as follows.
The Company will issue a coupon to a member when the member meets the criteria. We will determine whether or not the member meets the coupon issuance conditions, and the member shall comply with this.
We will announce the eligibility, expiration date, and the coupon's amount on the website or by e-mail.We can freely determine the conditions such as eligibility, expiration date, and the amount. We can add, delete, increase/decrease the amount or make other changes without notifying or consenting our members.
Article 20 Use of Coupons
The members whom we issued the coupons can only use them.
Coupons held with different membership numbers cannot be combined or used at the same time.
Members may not transfer, lend, or provide collateral their coupons to third-parties or share them among members. Also, coupons will not be inherited.
Once the coupon is applied, it cannot be canceled under any circumstances.
If the member finds that the reason for canceling the coupon specified in Article 22 (2) applies after using the points, the Company can retroactively cancel the use of the coupon. In this case, the member shall pay the Company the amount equivalent to the price of the goods or services obtained by using the coupon.
The members cannot redeem Coupons in cash value under any circumstances. If taxes and public dues are imposed on the goods or services provided by the use of the coupon, the taxes and public dues will be paid by the member.
Article 21 Use by a Third-Party
If a third-party uses the same membership number, login ID, and password (hereinafter referred to as "membership number and others") for the use of the service and all other actions, it is considered to be used and acted by the member who holds the membership number and others. The Company is not liable for any damages incurred by the member due to the use of the member number and others by a third-party.
Article 22 Cancellation / Expiration of Coupon
We set the expiration date of the coupon each time we issue.
We have a right to cancel all or part of the coupon if the member falls under any of the following conditions.
(ア) When the coupon issuance conditions are no longer met, such as when the members return the products.
(イ) When a coupon is issued by unauthorized means.
(ウ) When the members violate this agreement, membership agreement, terms of use and individual agreement.
(エ) When the members lose their membership due to withdrawal or cancellation of membership by us.
(オ) When the Company determines that cancellation or correction is necessary due to system malfunction and other reasons.
(カ) When the Company deems it necessary
Chapter 7 Service Operation
Article 23 Information Management
Although the copyright of comments and other information sent by users in this service is reserved to the user, if we deem that it can be used, we are free to use this service free of charge without notice to the user. (Including duplication, modification, reprinting, etc.), and the user shall not exercise the moral rights of the author and shall not object to the Company or a third-party designated by the Company.
In addition, if any of the following conditions apply, we can delete it without notifying the user.
When the information infringes on all rights related to the content, such as all intellectual property rights, portrait rights, publicity rights, etc., including the copyright of the Company or a third-party, or the honor or credit of the Company or a third-party.
When we receive the warning from a third-party that the information infringes on all rights related to the content, such as all intellectual property rights including copyrights of third-parties, portrait rights, publicity rights, etc., or damages the honor or credibility of third-parties.
Article 24 Maintenance of Service
In order to keep the service in good working condition, we may cancel all or part of the provision of this service without notifying the user in advance in each of the following cases.
(1) For regular system maintenance and emergency maintenance.
(2) When the operation of the system becomes difficult due to force majeure such as fires, earthquakes, floods, lightning strikes, power outages, telecommunication line accident, telecommunications carrier defaults, wars, internal disturbances, terrorism, riots, civil commotion, and other natural disasters, social unrest, and acts of sabotage by third-parties.
(3) When we determine that we deem it necessary to stop the system with other reasons.
The users shall return the returned goods outlined in the preceding paragraph at the user's expense, following the method separately determined by the Company.
Article 25 *********************
The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by the user's failure to use our service.
The Company shall be exempted from liability by processing the business according to the registered contents of the user.
We do not guarantee safety, accuracy, certainty, usefulness, up-to-dateness, morality, functionality, completeness, relevance, software viruses, etc. regarding the content and information of this service.
When we provide a link from this service to another website or resource or a link from a third-party website or resource to this service, we do not take any responsibility for the content, service, or outcome related to those links. (Including, but not limited to, safety, accuracy, certainty, usefulness, up-to-dateness, morality, functionality, integrity, fitness for purpose, and computer virus infection.). If we determine that the content of the linked website or resource is illegal or inappropriate for our service's management and operation, we will terminate the link without requiring any notification to the user.
If a user causes damage to another user or a third-party by using our service, the user will resolve it at one’s own risk and expense and not inconvenience us.
The Company shall not bear any communication costs incurred when the user uses this service.
Article 26 Others
- As a general rule, the method of contact between the Company and the user shall be by e-mail.
- If a problem that cannot be solved by this agreement or our guidance arises regarding the use of this service, the user and we shall discuss in good faith and resolve it.
- This agreement shall be interpreted based on Japanese law, and if a proceeding is required regarding the use of this service, the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall be the exclusive jurisdiction court of the first instance.